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Sonic Boom SFX Sound Effects

Looking for sonic boom sound effect? Check out these samples in our Technology collection!

Sonic booms are powerful sound effects created by shockwaves from an object traveling faster than the speed of sound. They are perfect for adding intensity and drama to action scenes in movies, video games, and animations. Sonic booms can create a sense of speed, power, and excitement for the audience.

Supersonic Aircraft Sound Barrier

83,59kb | 320kbps | supersonic-aircraft-sound-barrier-sfx.mp3 | Tags: loud, supersonic, explosion

Get ready to feel the ground shake with this thunderous, earth-shattering sonic boom sound effect. It's like a bomb going off in your ears, making you jump out of your seat. This sound will have you feeling like you're in the middle of a war zone.

Looking for another sonic boom sound effect? How about this? 😉

Sonic boom sound effect

83,59kb | 320kbps | sonic-boom-sound-effect.mp3

Create a thunderous, earth-shaking sonic boom sound effect.