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Record Scratching SFX Sound Effects

Looking for record scratching sound effect? Check out these samples in our Technology collection!

Record scratching is a DJ technique where the vinyl record is manipulated back and forth on a turntable to create a unique sound effect. It is best used for adding flair and energy to a mix, creating transitions between songs, and adding a dynamic element to live performances.

Vinyl Disc Sudden Stop

83,59kb | 320kbps | vinyl-disc-sudden-stop-sfx.mp3 | Tags: scratching, vinyl, DJ

Get ready to drop some sick beats with this vinyl scratch sound effect! Just drag your fingernails across the record like a pro DJ and watch the crowd go wild. It's like music to your ears, with that classic scratchy sound.

Looking for another record scratching sound effect? How about this? 😉

Record scratching sound effect

83,59kb | 320kbps | record-scratching-sound-effect.mp3

Quickly drag fingernails across vinyl record for scratching sound effect