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Footstep SFX Sound Effects

Looking for footstep sound effect? Check out these samples in our Human collection!

Footstep sound effects are perfect for adding realism to audio projects. From light tiptoeing to heavy stomping, these sounds can enhance scenes in movies, video games, and podcasts. They create a sense of movement and help set the mood for various environments, such as forests, cities, or haunted houses.

Single Foot Impact on Surface

83,59kb | 320kbps | single-foot-impact-on-surface-sfx.mp3 | Tags: walking, running, sneaking

The sound of someone creepin' around on them old-ass wooden floorboards, each step creakin' like a mofo. It's slow and deliberate, like they tryna sneak up on ya. Gives me the heebie-jeebies, man.

Looking for another footstep sound effect? How about this? 😉

Footstep sound effect

122,25kb | 320kbps | footstep-sound-effect.mp3

Slow, deliberate footsteps on creaky wooden floorboards.