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Flashback SFX Sound Effects

Looking for flashback sound effect? Check out these samples in our Instrumental collection!

Flashback sound effects are perfect for creating a nostalgic or dream-like atmosphere in films, TV shows, and podcasts. From eerie echoes to distorted voices, these effects can transport listeners back in time and enhance the emotional impact of a scene. Use them to add depth and dimension to your storytelling.

Memory Transition Whoosh Effect

83,59kb | 320kbps | memory-transition-whoosh-effect-sfx.mp3 | Tags: nostalgia, memory, dream

This sound effect is like being in a haunted house, with eerie echoes of whispers and laughter bouncing off the walls. The fading footsteps make you feel like someone is following you, while the nostalgic music adds a creepy yet familiar vibe.

Looking for another flashback sound effect? How about this? 😉

Flashback sound effect

42,84kb | 320kbps | flashback-sound-effect.mp3

Echoing whispers, distant laughter, fading footsteps, nostalgic music