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Computer Turn On SFX Sound Effects

Looking for computer turn on sound effect? Check out these samples in our Technology collection!

Sound effects are audio cues used to enhance the user experience. For a computer turning on, use a power-up sound effect to signify the start of the boot-up process. A soft humming noise can indicate the system coming to life. Beeps and clicks can add a sense of activity and functionality.

Whirring and startup chime

83,59kb | 320kbps | whirring-and-startup-chime-sfx.mp3 | Tags: startup, technology, electronics

Yo, this sound effect is straight up futuristic, man. It's like an electronic hum that builds up to this dope startup chime. It's like your computer is waking up from a deep sleep, ready to take on the world.

Looking for another computer turn on sound effect? How about this? 😉

Computer turn on sound effect

83,59kb | 320kbps | computer-turn-on-sound-effect.mp3

Electronic hum followed by startup chime.