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Banana Slip SFX Sound Effects

Looking for banana slip sound effect? Check out these samples in our Cartoon collection!

Banana slip sound effects are perfect for adding comedic elements to videos or animations. From the classic "boing" as someone slips on a banana peel to the exaggerated "splat" as they hit the ground, these sounds will bring a touch of humor to any project. Get ready to laugh!

Classic Comedy Fall Effect

83,59kb | 320kbps | classic-comedy-fall-effect-sfx.mp3 | Tags: slip, fall, fruit

Get ready to hear the ultimate squishy, slippery sound of a banana peel hitting the ground. It's like a wet fart mixed with a slimy slide. You can practically feel the gooey mess under your feet just by listening.

Looking for another banana slip sound effect? How about this? 😉

Banana slip sound effect

122,25kb | 320kbps | banana-slip-sound-effect.mp3

Create a squishy, sliding sound effect for banana slip.